It was great to see some of the local boys out there dicing it out with the guys that get their legs rubbed after the races. Dwight and Webber are working stiffs, and Pete's 40 years old! Hats off to you guys. And to have the current World Champion back in town was cool too. Do I need to tell anyone Compton crushed the Women's field?
So I've been out in the mud all day riding, running, sliding, shooting, and screamin' at the gladiators, and it's finally time to to go home. My wife has left me a message to pick up a few things at the store on the way home. Seems harmless enough. Then I walk in to the King Sooper near my house. I feel like I'm on another planet, and it's not planet bike.
The place is packed. Busier than it should be. Large numbers of elderly retirees have double parked their carts up and down the isles. I seem to be invisible as I stand there tying to get through. I quickly resort to the bumper car method and don't look back. As I head toward the back of the store for some milk, everybody seems to be moving in slow motion and their voices seem far away and muffled. What was in that PBR those Mafia boys gave me?
But seriously, that's what racing CX does to me. It is such an intense 45 minutes, that it literally takes me hours to come back down, beer helps though.